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  • The Support Don’t Punish Campaign country drug user partner from 2016 till date: DHRAN is the drug user network funded to undertake the Support Don’t Punish campaign at a sub-national level from 2016 date. The funding is from International Drug Policy Consortium (IDPC).


  • The first Drug User Network to be registered with the National Government (CAC).


  • DHRAN member organizations are implementing the Global fund HIV community-based project in the 10 states of Nigeria targeted by the GF.


  • DHRAN member organizations are implementing the Needle and Syringe program pilot in the 3 pilot states of Nigeria.
  • DHRAN is the network that was commissioned by the SFH to undertake the Baseline Assessment for the Needle and Syringe program Pilot.


  • DHRAN member organizations were also engaged in the Integrated Behavioural Biological Surveillance Survey by the University of Manitoba to undertake data collection on HIV prevalence among people who inject drugs in Nigeria.


  • With the recognition of the Federal Ministry of Health, DHRAN became a network member of the National Technical working group on Drug Demand Reduction and Harm Reduction(2019 till date).


  • DHRAN also pioneered the establishment of the first formal State Drug Control Committee in Gombe State (2020).
  • With recognition from the global fund, DHRAN is the first drug user network in West Africa to be awarded a 3-year Community, Gender and Rights (CRG) grant from the Global fund with Technical Assistance from the International Network of People Who Use Drugs (2021-2023).


  • DHRAN is the only Key Population Network in Nigeria with a membership of the Global Fund Communities Delegation.


  • Successful implementation of the PITCH Advocacy project (2019-2020) as the only drug user community network.


  • DHRAN is also the only community-led Network that was awarded the INPUD Covid19 fund in 3 states for the community of people who use drugs in 2020. This saw the production of IEC on Covid-19 prevention in the Pidgin language.


  • DHRAN is also the only Drug User Network to be funded by Frontline AIDS for the provision of Covid-19 relief to the community of people who use drugs in 5 states of Nigeria through the Rapid Response fund in Oyo, Abia, Gombe, Kano, and the Imo States.


  • The Network is also a major partner and contributory to the Civil Society HIV Shadow Report funded by Frontline AIDS (2018 – 2020).


  • DHRAN is the only Key Population Network in Nigeria with representation on the Global HIV Prevention Coalition (2018 till date).
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